Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

To celebrate our freedom and independence, we went over to the Creech's for an evening of fun. We rode with Matt Creech and got there around 5pm and shortly thereafter Grandma Creech, Joanna and her friend, and Katie and Russ arrived. Mr. Creech grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken and we brought the chips and drinks. There was fresh watermelon, pickled cucumbers, homemade salsa, deviled eggs, cheesecake and coconut cake. It was a mighty feast and we all ate entirely too much. Then Ethan challenged me to a duel involving water pistols. Not being one to pass up a water gun fight, I accepted and soon everyone was getting sprayed (whether they wanted to or not). It was so much fun to see everyone having such a great time. Then Mrs. Creech gave everyone a tour of her garden and we launched an assortment of pathetic North Carolina fireworks on the edge of the farm. Then we all piled into the cars to head out to the Mudcats stadium to watch some REAL fireworks. I grabbed a few shots, and although they didn't turn out exactly how I wanted them (I left my tripod at home), we were glad to all be able to be together and watch some explosives and say Happy 4th of July! Hope your day was as great!

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