Monday, August 24, 2009

Little Red Wagon

We have been able to find some really great deals this week! At Target, 8 count Juicy Juice juice boxes are on sale for $1.97 each... if you register on their website ( they will give you a $1 off coupon on two making them $2.94 or 18 cents per juice box! Yay!

Also, if you ask at the CVS pharmacy counter about their automatic refill program, they will give you a booklet of really good coupons, like $4 off a $20 purchase. If you combine these with the CVS "bucks" you get on your register receipt (if you have a CVS card) you can get $20 worth of products pretty cheap! (Especially if the items you're buying are also on sale!)

My genius husband, in the process of paying our credit card bill, realized that we had some credit card points that were about to expire. Now granted, the points are ridiculous compared to how much you're spending on your credit card to get them, but they still can be redeemed for fun and useful stuff basically for "free." We've used them in the past to get things such as a set of decent kitchen pots and pans. This time, since we finally have a baby on board, we are waiting for this to come in the mail:
a little red wagon! I'm not sure who is more excited, me or Kenna! I am having happy thoughts of pulling her around the fair or the flea market or a craft show in our little wagon. What a blessing!

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