Monday, October 26, 2009

11 Months Old!

This past week our little peanut turned 11 months old! Time really feels like it is just speeding by. I love to snuggle her at night before bedtime and whisper in her ear "don't grow up." It's hard to imagine Kenna as a little kid or even as a toddler instead of a baby... even harder to imagine that someday she will be school-age, and a teenager, and in college, and wanting to get married!

She is of course, completely oblivious to how quickly she is growing. For now, she is loving being an almost-toddler and all the perks that come with it...

pulling up and able to get into more of her toys:
sitting forwards in a big girl car seat:
helping Mommy and Daddy "clean up":
scootching around the furniture:
hanging out with her best friend Toufa:
telling everyone when she's awake and we need to come get her:
wearing awesome footie jammies:
keeping Mommy out of trouble at Target:
and getting our winter weather accessories ready!
This little one plays hard and crashes harder. I can't believe she'll be a year old in just a month!


Jen said...

Kenna is so ADORABLE. I love that I get to see her every week :)

Alisa said...

Oh my goodness oh my goodness! WHEN did this happen??? We JUST saw her at Hillridge and she was still just a baby. She looks too toddlerish in these photos! Tell her to stop! (: AND I LLLLLLLLLLOVE the hat!!!!