Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2012 Part 1

This year for Christmas, my family continued a new sort of "tradition" that worked well for us last year- we got together for lunch and all-day fun on Christmas Eve during the day. Jason and Alisa were kind enough to host us despite Alisa being the expectant mommy this year! Also according to Dean tradition, we took turns opening our presents & Aunt Alisa added the great idea of going from youngest to oldest... which meant Baby Girl on the way was the first to open her little pink outfit:
For the big girls, there was lots of dress up and princess paraphernalia to be enjoyed, and much more manly stuff like cars for the boys. I did a completely terrible job of taking any pictures, these are all from Matt's cellphone!

Even though Matt was the last to open presents (as the eldest among us by just two months!) I did save on special present until the end... we gave Jason and Alisa a copy of the shutterfly book we made about Mom. Truth be told, I made it last year for Nana Day, but somehow never got the chance to give it to them. It is written like a storybook to give the kids an overview of her life and who she was.

With three kiddos who nap in the afternoons (and parents who could probably all use one too after chasing them all morning) we didn't quite make time for our cookie decorating tradition... next year!

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