Sunday, January 27, 2008

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Yesterday Lindsey's Dad left to head back down to Orlando and she was not alone in being disappointed to see him go. He has been staying at out house over the last two weeks and we have been able to grieve together, laugh together, work through theological and philosophical issues together, watch John Wayne movies, and grow more as friends. And while I'm glad he's able to get back to Orlando to begin the process of creating a new routine (which is so very important for all of us), I'll miss how much fun we've had together, but look forward to seeing him again. Dads, by default, get to be a leader for their family, but this doesn't necessitate that they will be good leaders. I have been blessed to have tremendous leaders for fathers in both of my dads. After watching Lindsey's dad act as a father, husband, businessman, student, and friend over the past three and a half years I have come to understand that he's a great leader for the Dean Team and I'm proud to have him as a role model and leader for us. We miss you Dad!

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