Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day 2011!

As usual, we had a really busy Father's Day weekend, and I'm bummed that we didn't take more pictures! Matt taught Sunday School in the morning on Sunday, followed immediately by having the his side of the family over to grill for lunch and spend the afternoon in the pool! We had a great time and completely wore the kids out. After they napped, they sat with Daddy and watched a movie while I cooked Matt his requested dinner- spaghetti! We didn't slow down long enough to take pictures until Matt and the kiddos were sitting still watching the movie.
I had to laugh when I saw this picture because of its similarity to a picture from Father's Day 2009:
Oh how quickly our family is changing and growing! I'm so proud and thankful to have an amazing man like Matt to do this parenting thing with as a team. He shows his love and care for us not only in the big ways of being a Godly leader of our family and working daily to earn our income, but also in a million small ways- deferentially placing our wants and needs above his own. Such a fantastic Daddy!

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