Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Friends in Town!

We've been really happy that we've been able to see some of our really good friends the past couple of days! Last week Beth Anne and I had talked about trying to get together real quick before our baby gets here and to celebrate the announcement of her and Doug's baby on the way! It turned out that Doug was going to see family in Winston on Saturday, so he dropped Beth Anne and a huge box of cinnabons by the house! Talk about a killer combination! We completely indulged, talked all things baby, and got ourselves some lovely pedicures to celebrate.
We had a good chuckle at the pregnancy advice everyone in the nail place wanted to give us. It was so nice to have a great friend to spend some time with! Beth Anne and I have known each other for forever it seems like, and it's so fun to be reaching this new stage of parenthood together! I know we'll be a good source of encouragement and advice for each other as these little ones grow up!
I think our babies are making friends already, even in utero... my belly is so huge these days it likes to commandeer other people in pictures. I am so excited to have such a close friend about to embark on this crazy belly trip that will hopefully be ending for me soon! Thanks again so much for coming Beth Anne, and Doug, thanks for letting me borrow her for the day!

1 comment:

Beth Anne said...

I had so much fun & am so glad you felt up to hosting my butt, even though I fell asleep on your couch. I LOVE YOU!!!!