Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our Morning Routine

Kenna and I have gotten our mornings down to a little routine, and it is one of the sweetest parts of my day. I really treasure this time at home with her, especially first thing in the mornings and as I rock her to sleep a little bit right before bed.

Unless we have to get up super early, we usually wake to the sounds of Kenna from her crib across the hall- laughing, talking to her bears, and singing. It is so sweet and pretty funny, and usually starts our day with laughter, both hers and ours.

We typically have fruit together for breakfast, and she always puts her little feet up on the high chair tray like this:
She does it every single time she's in her high chair. I think it's adorable, and will be so sad when she (quickly!) becomes to tall to do it anymore. If Matt has class or work later in the day, often he is there in the mornings with us! We are so grateful that the Lord has given us some time together as a family, even though the stresses of little income have been high. When she's done, I let her down to play while I drink my coffee and catch up on blogs. She has one drawer in the kitchen that is hers that holds her plates/cups/bibs that she is allowed to play in:
She also knows she is allowed to play in the tupperware cabinet and the cookie sheets/cupcake pans cabinet. Occasionally she'll look over to me to make sure I'm watching, or bring a shoe or toy or random object (today it was a paper towel) over to show me that she found it. Mostly she and Pontouf chase each other, pushing her push toy, and explore the house until morning nap time.

Here are some other various fun pictures of her morning playtime. She loves to sit at her own little cafe table, a birthday present from Nana B. and Granddaddy! (We are in the process of painting it and it's turning out so cute!)
Inspecting the outside world through the little Kenna-sized windows beside our front door.
Some sort of theatrical production with the shoe basket and couch blankets... Moses maybe? Very dramatic.
Coming to tell me something where I'm sitting at the table. That sweet little face gets my attention every time:
And this face is when we know it's getting to be naptime:


Tara said...

Aren't mornings just the best?!? I love being at home with my 4 in the morning too!!! Happy times:)

Jenn & David said...

what a sweet morning routine! :)