Sunday, February 6, 2011

36 Weeks!

How Far Along:
36 & a half weeks! The OB says he is turned downwards (yay!) and we're going to weekly appointments now. 37 weeks is technically 'full term' so we're doing well! Kenna was born at exactly 39 weeks, so I'm amazed that we could be meeting this little boy in less than 3 weeks! Eeeep!

Size of Baby:
6ish pounds- the size of a large melon.

Total Weight Gain:
I think I lost a little from lack of appetite while being sick this week.

Maternity Clothes:
Mostly large t-shirts and stretchy pants to stay comfortable- I still have one pair of maternity pants I can stand to leave the house in when need be.

Little boy! Yay! I'm having so much fun boy-ifying the nursery. We're doing a very manly little camping/bears in the woods/brown and green theme, and it's so fun!

What I Miss:
Normal clothing, and not running out of energy so fast. Not being a little sore and uncomfortable most of the time- but I'm so thankful for a healthy pregnancy, I'm trying hard not to complain about these temporary frustrations.

Sleep is still hard, but it's probably good considering all the late night feedings that are soon on their way.

Still lots of movements, although he's definitely running short on room- he seems to be riding low until a contraction, then it's like he's up under my chin. I'm feeling him more in my ribs than before (long legs like Kenna maybe?). Mostly I feel good, just uncomfortable and ready to do this!

Best Moment this Week:
Pregnancy-wise it was this weekend when we had all 3 been sick all week that Matt watched Kenna almost all day just to let me relax & sleep- I was so thankful he did and know that rest will come in handy as I get well before having this babe! Non-pregnancy-wise, it was earlier in the week when Matt's Dad had major heart bypass sugery and came out of it safe and sound. Thank you Lord!

What I'm Looking Forward to:
Meeting our little boy! The weather getting warmer so that we can get over these colds and spend more time burning off toddler energy out at the park.

Funny Cravings:

I still have a big craving for Mexican food (I was wanting nachos the other morning at 10 am!) and also breakfast food- pancakes sound super good right now.

I keep forgetting to document the month with my fingers, but at least I'm writing down the week numbers! So, for the record, this is the end-of-the-8th-month photo!


Tara said...

You look fantastic, Lindsey! Only a couple more weeks!!! Can't wait to see nursery pics!

PS. So happy that Mr. Brogli's surgery went well! Praise the Lord!

leah said...

You do look great, and sounds like everything is going as planned. Yeah for baby boy being head down!!